What you should know

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sick World

 There are enough people today that know the world is ill. 

It has a disease (dis-ease) and this sickness has symptoms.

War, poverty, hunger,  abuse of women and children, pollution, injustice, etc.

Although the people who receive the assistance from those who are trying to make a difference in these areas appreciate it greatly.

You can not cure a disease by trying to alleviate the symptoms.

You must find the root cause and it is us.

This disease is in us, and it is driven by fear processed through the amygdala and the limbic system and manifested in the sympathetic nervous system that autonomically controls the adrenal gland directly related to the fight or flight response, which is considered masculine in its nature.

The cure lies in the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system which does not activate the adrenal gland and is responsible for homeostasis and the tend and befriend response which is considered feminine in its nature.

It is the difference between, Bonobos (parasympathetic) and Chimpanzees (sympathetic)


  The sympathetic nervous system is totally involuntary and unconscious and regulates the fight or flight response. If you experience any kind of stress, mental or physical, you are activating this system.

 The parasympathetic nervous system regulates the rest and digest / feed and breed/ tend and befriend response and is NOT  totally involuntary or unconscious. The difference in connections gives you the ability to control your breathing, slow your heart rate, calm yourself down, which are all conscious interactions with your parasympathetic nervous system with no connection to the adrenal gland.


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